
About Us

DMI Foundations is a philanthropic organization established by Rev. Fr. Dr. J.E. Arul Raj with the support of DMI sisters (The Daughters of Mary Immaculate) and MMI fathers (The Missionaries of Mary Immaculate) together with many lay collaborators.

From the year 1984, DMI Foundations has been serving humanity in various fields such as women empowerment, child development, education at all levels, running hospitality and health services etc. There are more than 1000 fully dedicated members committed to serve the poor in their many faces.

The services of DMI Foundations are spread across 13 countries around the world namely the United States of America, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Papua New Guinea and India.

The educational services of DMI Foundations range from the establishment and running of schools, Arts & Science Colleges, Polytechnic institutes, Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges, Universities and various institutes that impart IT education, computer education and other skill sets.

Forty years of experience in the education field has made DMI foundations efficient in grooming individuals and leading them in the process of learning, research and innovation that culminates in entrepreneurship, start-ups or enviable employment in reputed industries.

St. Joseph University – Tamil Nadu is their sixth university having its Administrative Office in Chennai.

Vision of St.Joseph University

St. Joseph University is “Where your dreams come true.” We are committed to the pursuit of knowledge, innovation and research with a spiritual base, upholding ethical values and always striving towards the holistic growth of individuals and betterment of humanity where everyone will be fully human and fully alive.

Mission Statement

St. Joseph University is committed to the pursuit of knowledge, innovation and research towards entrepreneurship, start-ups and employable education, aiming for global leadership in the industry, holistic healthcare, social applications, sustainable green energy, Artificial Intelligence and every emerging technology.

Campus Environment

St. Joseph University is situated in a sprawling green campus spread over 170 acres of land, by the side of the Southern Trunk Road. The university is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, exceptional laboratories, computer labs, and a well-furnished library stacked with high-standard books and internet connectivity, all conducive to higher learning, research, and innovation. Most of these are established through industry-institution partnership. Our education system is a choice-based credit system, allowing students to choose multidisciplinary, skill-based courses based on their interests. This system and the university’s comprehensive outlook and approach enables everyone to dream, and that too dream big. Truly, St. Joseph University is “Where your dreams come true.”

Our Foundation

St. Joseph University was established by DMI Foundations which is an effort of the sisters of DMI (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) and the fathers of MMI (Missionaries of Mary Immaculate) of the Catholic Church. The DMI Foundations is a Global philanthropic Organization working in many Countries such as United States of America, Germany, Brazil, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and India through Universities, educational institutions and philanthropic services. Apart from this, the Foundation serves in varied way for the development of woman, youth and children with a high level of social responsibility.


Graduate Placement

Comprehensive Placement Programs Leading to 95% Graduate


Years of Educational Excellence


Corporate Giants with Strategic Partnerships

Alumni Working Across the Globe in Prestigious Positions

Recruitment partners


Students Studying


Faculty Members


Research Scholors

